I leave you the best phrases of new and lost opportunities from great historical figures such as Rockefeller, Richard Branson, Forbes, Napoleon Hill, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, William James, Benjamin Franklin, Bruce Lee, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill and many more.
You may also be interested in these phrases of patience or these of challenges.
-The opportunities are like the sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.-William Arthur Ward.
-The difficulties mastered are opportunities won.-Winston Churchill.
-In the middle of the difficulty lies the opportunity.-Albert Einstein.
-A pessimist sees the difficulty at every opportunity; An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.-Winston Churchill.
-If opportunity does not knock, build a door.-Milton Berle.
-Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.-Bobby Unser.
-Each right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; Every possession, a duty.-John D. Rockefeller.
-To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.-Bruce Lee.
-Poor men wait for opportunities to come to them. Strong, capable and alert men go after opportunities.-BC Forbes.
-Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.-Napoleon Hill.
-The ability is of little importance without opportunity.-Napoleon.
-I will prepare and someday my opportunity will come.-Abraham Lincoln.
-Finding what one wants to do and ensuring an opportunity to do it, is the key to happiness.-John Dewey.
-Life opens opportunities for you, and you take them or you are afraid of taking them.-Jim Carrey.
-The attraction of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are.-John Burroughs.
-An opportunity does not come with its value stamped on it.-Maltbie Babcock.
-To be successful, jump as quickly to opportunities as you do to conclusions.-Benjamin Franklin.
-Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.-Khalil Gibran.
-A pessimist is one who creates difficulties from his opportunities and an optimist is one who creates opportunities from his difficulties.-Harry Truman.
-The secret of success in life is to be prepared for an opportunity when it arrives.-Benjamin Disraeli.
-The follies that most regret in life are those that were not committed when they had the opportunity.-Helen Rowland.
-A wise man will create more opportunities than he finds.-Francis Bacon.
-I have always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity.-John D. Rockefeller.
-Opportunity does not knock, it appears when you throw the door down.-Kyle Chandler.
-Today knowledge has power. Control access to opportunities and progress.-Peter Drucker.
-You create your opportunities by asking for them.-Shakti Gawain.
-When you do what you fear most, you can do anything.-Stephen Richards.
-Opportunity is a bird that never alights.-Claude McDonald.
-I believe that every event in life occurs with the opportunity to choose love over fear.-Oprah Winfrey.
41-He who refuses to miss a unique opportunity, loses the reward as surely as if he had failed.-William James.
-There is no security in this land, there is only opportunity.-Douglas MacArthur.
-The opportunities are presented to us every day, but we do not see them.-Catalina Pulsifer.
-Failure is simply the opportunity to start over, this time more intelligently.-Henry Ford.
35-The businessman always seeks change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.-Peter Drucker.
-The opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat.-Napoleon Hill.
-Sometimes we observe a door that is closed for so long that we see too late the one that is open.-Alexander Graham Bell.
-Procrastination is the killer of opportunity.-Victor Kiam.
24-We all face a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.-Charles R. Swindoll.
-Your big opportunity could be right where you are now.-Napoleon Hill.
-Learn to smile in every situation. See them as opportunities to demonstrate your strength and ability.-Joe Brown.
-Problems are only opportunities with thorns.-Hugh Miller.
-When one door closes, another opens.-Miguel de Cervantes.
-Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.-Theodore Roosevelt.
-The encounter of preparation with opportunity generates what we call luck.-Anthony Robbins.
-The opportunity dances with those who are on the dance floor.-H. Jackson Brown Jr.
-The future has many names. For the weak is the unreachable. For the fearful, the unknown. For the brave it is the opportunity.-Victor Hugo.
-We have to open the doors of opportunity. But we must also equip our people to pass through those gates.-Lyndon B. Johnson
-Spend eighty percent of your time focused on tomorrow's opportunities, more than yesterday's problems.-Brian Tracy.
-Healing is a matter of time, but sometimes it is also a matter of opportunity.-Hippocrates.
-The limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imagination, our possibilities become limitless.-Jamie Paolinetti.
32-Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.-Seneca.
35-Opportunities are doors that do not open by themselves.-Dave Weinbaum.
-I decided to see each desert as an opportunity to find an oasis, I decided to see each night as a mystery to solve, I decided to see each day as a new opportunity to be happy.-Walt Disney.
-A problem is an opportunity for you to do your best.-Duke Ellington.
-There are too many people who are thinking about security instead of opportunities. They seem to be more afraid of life than death.-James F. Byrnes.
-The opportunities are never lost; Someone will take what you lose
-Nothing is more expensive than a lost opportunity.-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
-Accept risks, all life is nothing but an opportunity. The man who goes the furthest is, generally, the one who wants and dares to be.-Dale Carnegie.
-The opportunity comes like a snail, and once it has passed you, it changes to a rabbit and is gone.-Arthur Brisbane.
-The value of an act is judged by its opportunity.-Lao-tse.
-If we do not take advantage of our opportunities, it is our fault.-Thomas J. Watson.
-Business opportunities are like buses, there is always another one that comes.-Richard Branson.
-It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one, than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.-Whitney Young, Jr.
-Opportunity only calls once.-Proverb.
28-Opportunity, which has advice on all matters, provides strength, a lot of strength, against all impediments.-Sophocles.
-Don't wait for extraordinary circumstances to do good, try to use ordinary situations.-Charles Richter.
-Change brings opportunity.-Nido Qubein.
-Growth was never a problem; We have more opportunities than we can take advantage of.-Michael Dell.
-If you wait for opportunities to occur, you will be one of the crowd.-Edward de Bono.
-The excuses will always be there for you to take advantage of, the opportunities will not.-Anonymous
-The opportunities that allow us to find more strength within ourselves come in the most difficult.-Joseph Campbell
-Learn to understand the opportunity that has been given to you, take charge of the situation and give thanks for being where you are.-Anonymous
-You are always going to lose your opportunity if you never take a risk.-Anonymous.
-There is nothing worse than having lost an opportunity that could have changed your life.-Anonymous
-You only have three options in life: give up, take it for granted or give it all. It is your choice.-Anonymous
-Never give someone the opportunity to waste your time again.-Anonymous
-The same moment in life is not presented to you twice.-Anonymous
-When an opportunity presents itself to you and you don't take the initiative because you don't think you're ready, you end up never doing anything.-Anonymous
-The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word «crisis». One represents danger; the other chance. In a crisis, be aware of the danger, but recognize the opportunity.-John F. Kennedy
-Every place is under the stars, each place is the center of the world.- John Burroughs
-Those who do not jump will never fly.-Leena Ahmad Almashat
-If you think you could achieve it, then you can.-Stephen Richards
-Live each day as if it were your last, without fear of failure or ridicule. – Steve jobs
-In the end, we regret more for those things we did not do than for those we did, take a risk.-Anonymous
-Every day, you have the opportunity to change your life. Change what you don't want. Change what does not make you happy.-Rodolfo Costa
-It is in doing things and not reading about them that generates results.-Stephen Richards
-Sometimes, opportunities float right in front of your nose. Work hard, apply yourself, and prepare. So when an opportunity comes, you can take it.-Julie Andrews Edwards
-Every mistake made is a learning opportunity.-Santosh Kalwar
-The thrill of opportunity and challenge inspires us to propel ourselves toward greatness. -Lorii Myers
-Be sure that you will win and win! -Stephen Richards
-Keep this always in mind: when the opportunity presents itself, go for it! -Oprah Winfrey
28-Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat.- Napoleon Hill
-Not very often an opportunity comes and knocks on the door. But when he does, you'd better take a shower, hurry up and be ready to answer his call.-Jyoti Arora.