- 10 main products of the Ecuadorian Amazon
- Petroleum
- Cocoa
- Yucca
- Pitahaya
- Guayusa
- Chinese potato
- African palm
- Naranjilla
- Guava
- Papaya
- References
The diversity of products of the Ecuadorian Amazon is acquired thanks to the fertility of the lands and the wide biodiversity of its ecosystem; These products are part of the cultural tradition of Ecuador and contribute to the economic and agricultural development of the country.
The Ecuadorian Amazon has renewable and non-renewable products, such as food resources and oil. This region has several reserves and special care is taken with natural ones, because in these the tropical forests that characterize this territory of Ecuador are protected.
Cocoa is one of the most abundant products in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Source: pixabay.com
Among the main products grown in this region are cassava, guava, cocoa and naranjilla. As for non-renewable elements, the vast oil fields exploited in this area stand out.
Many of the natural goods produced in the Ecuadorian Amazon are exported to other countries, which allows the establishment of different commercial relationships with other regions, favoring economic ties with other societies.
10 main products of the Ecuadorian Amazon
The oil field in the Ecuadorian Amazon was discovered a few decades ago; the first explorations were carried out in 1964 and its commercial production began in 1972, after finding a remarkable quantity in the city of Nueva Loja.
The largest deposit in the region was found just a few years ago, in 2007. This encouraged the government to develop mining in the Los Encuentros area, where the deposit is located.
Thanks to its association with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Ecuador has stable prices within its exports, which favors the country's socioeconomic growth.
Cocoa, also known by indigenous culture as the "food of the gods", can be found in this Ecuadorian area in two variants: the first is known as Creole or national cocoa, whose main characteristic is its yellow color.
The other type of cocoa typical of the Amazon is called CCN-51, whose trade name is Colección Castro Naranjal. This variant is characterized by its remarkable reddish hue.
Currently, the sowing of this product covers a total of 287,100 hectares, of which up to 90,000 tons can be extracted.
The largest cocoa production is found in the town of Los Ríos, from which up to 30% of the total planting is extracted. This Ecuadorian product is exported to countries such as the United States, Germany, Spain, Mexico and China.
This food is not only indigenous to the Ecuadorian region, but also to several Latin American areas. In the Amazon it is also known by the name of manioc.
The main export goes to the United States, accounting for a total of 43% of the transported production. Then follows the export to Colombia, which makes up 21% of the total export. The rest is distributed in other countries such as Puerto Rico, Spain and the United Kingdom.
Carchi is the region of the Ecuadorian Amazon that produces the most cassava; this is followed by the province of Imbabura.
The pitahaya is a fruit that has an intense reddish color and a soft pulp full of small seeds. In general, this product is found in the Amazonian and subtropical areas, since it needs a rich ecosystem to be able to develop.
In the Morona Santiago area you can find about 160 hectares where this exotic fruit is grown, which promotes the production of about a thousand tons per year.
The main exports go to the powers of the United States and Germany: a total of forty containers are shipped monthly.
Guayusa is an Ecuadorian plant that contains many healthy properties for humans. For this plant to grow properly, there must be a safe distance of 4 meters between each product, which means that up to 625 guayusa plants can grow in one hectare.
This product is harvested organically in various areas such as Orellana, Pastaza and Napo. The main export is to India, as it covers up to 30% of the merchandise shipped; then China follows, a country to which 27% of the production is sent. This plant is also commercialized with Mexico, Turkey, Egypt and Germany.
Chinese potato
This product is distributed in the Ecuadorian Amazon in spaces of between ten and twenty hectares approximately, although the extension of this food in the agricultural surface is unknown. According to some sources, the Chinese potato can occupy up to 2,500 hectares.
African palm
The scientific name of this product is Elais and in the Amazon of Ecuador there are between 4000 and 5000 hectares destined for its sowing.
The export of this crop is directed mainly to Peru, occupying up to 93% of the production that is sent. The remaining 7% goes to the United States, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
In 2004 there was an export of 4194 tons. There was a notable increase since 2003, since in that year only 890 tons were exported.
The naranjilla is a fruit that grows in this area of Ecuador thanks to the warm climate of this region, which also has some humid variations. This fruit is characterized by its green pulp and is exported to Colombia and the United States.
This product receives many names throughout Latin America, such as guava, luma, and arrayana.
Within the production of the Ecuadorian Amazon, guava can be found in two types: palmira and chivería. With this food you can make a juicy jam that is coveted by countries such as Italy, Spain, the United States, Venezuela and Canada.
Papaya (also known as milky in some Latin American countries) is produced mainly in Los Ríos, but can be found in other Ecuadorian locations such as Santa Elena and Santo Domingo. The production of this food is prolific since its cultivation takes place throughout the year.
Exports of this fruit have increased in recent years; however, some ecological factors have caused a decrease in the level of tons exported. In 2015 an export of about 1,286 tonnes was recorded.
- (2018) "Ecuadorian Amazon Products". Recovered on March 12, 2019 from Stone Mortar: morterodepiedra.com
- (2018) "Properties, benefits and uses of guayusa". Retrieved on March 12, 2019 from Eco Inventos: ecoinventos.com
- Aniceto, J. (2015) "The products of the Amazon in gourmet cuisine dishes". Retrieved on March 12, 2019 from El Universo: el universo.com
- López, V. (2010) "The Ecuadorian Amazon under pressure." Retrieved on March 12, 2019 from the socio-environmental Amazon: amazoniasocioambiental.org
- "The productivity of the Amazon and its contribution to the world." Retrieved on March 12, 2019 from El Productor: elproductor.com