- History of cabbage
- Properties of cabbage for health
- 1- High content of vitamin C
- 2- Rich in vitamin K
- 3- Protects against cancer
- 4- A perfect anti-inflammatory
- 5- Reduces diarrhea and general discomfort
- 6- Source of sulfur
- 7- Control blood pressure
- 8- Reduce sciatica problems
- 9- Good for vision
- 10- Weight loss
- Cabbage types
- Dishes with cabbage
The benefits and properties of cabbage for health are wide: from its richness in vitamins, anti-inflammatory properties, ability to reduce hypertension, etc. Later I will explain its most important properties.
Cabbage is a common crop in European gardens, and lately also in eastern countries, during the autumn season. It was very important in times of war, post-war and economic crisis, since it was the food of millions of people due to its ease of cooking and obtaining it.
This edible plant of the Brassicaceae family is grown annually and its different types of leaves (oval, oblong, smooth, curly or circular) give rise to a compact bud that is what we can see when we buy it in stores or we take it from the garden.
Plants are between 40 and 60 cm tall in their first year in the mature vegetative stage and between 1.5 and 2.0 meters in height when flowering in the second year.
History of cabbage
Cabbage is a plant that was very important in ancient times. The Celts were the ones who discovered it, although it was the Greeks who appreciated it the most, since they usually served it in public meals and it was mentioned in comedies that they represented as a plant that served to cure diseases.
Civilization to civilization, cabbages have always been considered a plant that cured many diseases and as a very healthy food.
Its composition rich in vitamins (C, K, B3, B9…), minerals (calcium, fluorine, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, boron, bromine, aluminum and barium), carbohydrates, fiber and proteins convinced the different peoples to make it part of their regular diets.
Properties of cabbage for health
1- High content of vitamin C
Despite the fact that orange is the first thought that comes to mind when we talk about vitamin C, it is cabbages that provide the highest percentage. Therefore, if a person takes the same amount of cabbage as orange, they will obtain more vitamin C from the plant of the Brasicaceae family.
Vitamin C is necessary for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body, so its function is essential for the body. In addition, it is used to form a protein whose function is to produce the skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels; heal wounds; scar; repair bones, teeth and cartilage and facilitate the absorption of iron.
Another important fact about this vitamin is that it is not produced by itself and is not stored in the body, so it is essential to consume foods that are high in vitamin C. Some of them are kiwi, mango, papaya, pineapple, cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries, or raspberries.
2- Rich in vitamin K
Taking cabbage in any of its different types strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation and helps prevent heart problems, such as heart attacks.
Vitamin K is known as the coagulation vitamin, so it is essential to have a good level of it to avoid serious
health problems. You can get vitamin K from different vegetables, greens, beef, eggs, fish, or grains.
Vitamin K deficiency is not usually common, but people who are in this situation usually have bruises all over the body and regular bleeding. To regulate its levels in the body, a diet focused on products rich in vitamin K or drugs to thin the blood is recommended.
3- Protects against cancer
This disease is more and more widespread in society and consuming cabbages twice a week can reduce the risk of cancer. In addition, the most effective way to prevent it is to consume it in a salad because it is its most natural state.
According to the Spanish Association Against Cancer, the word cancer is a term that encompasses more than 200 types of diseases that have completely different characteristics. Each tumor is independent of the rest with its causes, its evolution and its specific treatment.
Millions of people around the planet suffer from this disease, but the advances in recent years have reduced the number of deaths. Prevention is an important factor in the fight against cancer because you anticipate the tumor and consuming cabbage is an appropriate way to prevent its appearance in the body.
Apart from consuming this edible plant, good prevention has to be accompanied by knowledge about the disease and its risk factors. Some of them are the consumption of tobacco or alcohol, obesity or a diet based on excesses, among others.
4- A perfect anti-inflammatory
Cabbage leaves act as a natural anti-inflammatory to reduce inflammation of any tissue in the body. Being natural, the process is not invasive or has side effects.
Inflammations can appear for different reasons in the body. Both as a simple blow or as part of a more complex disease, inflammations must be controlled and reduced in the shortest possible time.
To be able to act fully against these injuries, specialists recommend increasing the amount of cabbages in the daily diet to help the body reduce swelling and return the tissue to its normal state. Rosemary, horsetail, turmeric or flax are other natural anti-inflammatories.
5- Reduces diarrhea and general discomfort
One of the functions of cabbage is that it helps to overcome intestinal problems such as diarrhea, since it is a food that promotes constipation. In addition, it relieves general discomfort thanks to its healthy and natural properties.
Diarrhea can be mild, if it lasts a couple of days, or severe, if it lasts too long or is part of a more complex illness. For either case, it is convenient to take cabbage to reduce the effects as much as possible in a short period of time.
Also, general malaise is a common state of people with illnesses such as a cold or the flu. Natural remedies are the most suitable to relieve symptoms and cabbage is one of the natural remedies that promotes the recovery of the body.
6- Source of sulfur
Cabbages are rich in sulfur and this is an important nutrient to fight the different types of infections that can affect the body. In addition, the sulfur they have is important in the healing process, since it accelerates the improvement.
On the other hand, the presence of this nutrient improves liver function, contributes to a natural purification of the body, collaborates in brain oxygenation, relieves pain, improves digestive functions, regulates blood glucose levels, it is an important part. in the regulation of the nervous system and improves the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
The consumption of foods rich in sulfur is recommended in specific cases such as the presence of acne, high cholesterol levels, alopecia, diabetes, some allergies or autoimmune diseases.
7- Control blood pressure
Cabbages are edible plants rich in potassium, a vasodilator that prevents blood pressure from rising. This reduces the risk of a heart attack and a stroke, as does vitamin K.
Potassium and vitamin K bind in cabbage to open blood vessels and flow of blood through arteries effortlessly. In this way, the body is prevented from getting used to a state of tension that increases the risk of heart disease.
For people with chronic or hereditary cardiovascular problems, cabbages should be present on their respective shopping lists.
8- Reduce sciatica problems
The consumption of cabbage in salads is beneficial to reduce the pain caused by sciatica and reduce the inflammation of the nerve that causes these injuries.
Sciatica is pain that begins with numbness or tingling in the back of the back and progressively moves up the thigh and the back of the leg. These symptoms appear due to inflammation of the greater sciatic nerve.
Sciatica pains do not usually appear before the age of 20 and the people who are affected are those in their middle age and older. They do not appear due to a blow or a specific event, but rather develops over time until symptoms begin to appear.
9- Good for vision
Cabbage is a rich source of beta-carotene nutrients, which improves the visibility of the eye, prevents the appearance of cataracts and delays vision problems for people as they age.
Another benefit of beta-carotene is that it reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, reduces asthma attacks triggered by physical exercise and reduces sensitivity to the sun in people who have an inherited blood disease called " Erythropoietic protoporphyria ”.
Over the years, the eye naturally loses visibility, that is, people see less for each year they meet. For this reason, it is necessary to know the steps to follow to delay this loss of vision and one of the 'basic rules' is to consume cabbage.
10- Weight loss
Another benefit of cabbage is that of losing weight naturally thanks to the fact that it is low in calories and the amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients it has.
Being at the right weight is very important because with being overweight comes numerous health problems such as increases in glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure.
Also, people who are overweight may have osteoarthritis, diabetes, gallstones, high-risk pregnancies, hiatal hernia, or gastroesophageal reflux.
In the latest research, overweight has been linked to several types of cancer, including the esophagus, colon, rectum, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, kidney, prostate, stomach, breast, uterus and ovary.
Cabbage types
Despite the number of types of cabbages that exist, specialists divide them into two large fields: early and late.
The former produce small buds, are usually consumed immediately and have a maturation process of 50 days, while the latter generate larger buds, can be consumed longer in the long term and have a maturation process of 80 days.
On the contrary, there is another classification that divides them into western cabbages and eastern cabbages according to their origin. Western sprouts are kale, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, turnip ends, and raba broccoli, while eastern sprouts are oriental mustards, Chinese broccoli, pak choi, mizuna vegetables., Chinese cabbage and komatsuna mizuna.
Different types of cabbages with apparently different characteristics, but if one delves into their study they are very similar.
Cabbages have a number of short and long-term health benefits. Despite the great presence of this plant, most of the people who consume it are not aware of these "helps" to their respective bodies.
Dishes with cabbage
Vegetable lovers, and those who are not, can enjoy cabbage in any of its types through a large number of dishes, although the most common is the salad for its simple preparation in a short period of time.. In addition, cabbage can be combined with a multitude of foods such as raisins, pineapple, leeks or carrots.
Other known dishes to enjoy this edible plant are:
- Cod with cabbage, a choice that will be ready to taste in just over 60 minutes.
- Cabbage with bacon and ham, a simple and quick menu.
- Pasta with Brussels sprouts and goat cheese, ready at the table in about 15 minutes.
- Catalan cabbage flower, a starter to conquer the most demanding palates.